The Warmthcrafts-Manufacture (TWCM) is a brand that produces bags, wallets, accessories, and garments made of horse leather and all manufactured in Japan.
From its auspicious encounter with SHINKI-HIKAKU (in Himeji City, Hyogo Prefecture), the brand has been releasing one after the next collections using cordovan and horsehide as the main material.
Brand Concept of TWCM
The main concept of the brand is “learn from the past, know the new, and then become a teacher.
In particular, “the past” does not mean nostalgism or copying others, but the spirit, ingenuity, and thoughtfulness of SHINKI-HIKAKU, which has been producing cordovan for more than 60 years. Based on sophisticated design that combines identity and stylistic beauty cultivated over many years of high leather quality, the concept of creation, which is carried out in an integrated manner by SHINKI-HIKAKU, is disseminated broadly, from products to the ins and outs of shop management.
Our atelier, located next to SHINKI-HIKAKU, is a place where you can feel the sound and energy of each step of the leather making process. It is also a place where the history of cordovan and horsehide in Japan lives on.
There, you can learn about the technological view and production philosophy that we have cultivated over 60 years of history.
As a manufacturer, we pour our creativity and technology into our products.

Flagship Store
Nakanoshima BANKS in Osaka is literally a river bank area that faces Dojima River, with the RIHGA Royal Hotel and the International Conference Hall in the back across the road. While located in the heart of the city, it is one step away from its hustle and bustle.
The reason why we were so sure about this location was because we intuitively felt that this vista overlooking Dojima River auspiciously mirrored the vista from the SHINKI-HIKAKU headquarters in Himeji.
For tanners, rivers are a symbol of nature’s bounty, as they provide adequate humidity, wind and water for industrial use. We loved that location, which reminded us of these conditions, and this led us to set up our shop here.
The shop newly showcases gender-free products and is a space where you can take in the breadth and depth of SHINKI-HIKAKU’s cordovan and horsehide products. As we continue to grow in this location on the bank of Dojima River in Osaka, we are committed to providing products and a space that will satisfy everyone.
The Warmthcrafts-Manufacture products are also available at various department stores and specialty stores across Japan.
At TWCM EMA OSAKA, we also offer the PISCINE label, the only collection that uses leather made from Kindai tuna and Lake Biwa black bass.

- The Warmthcrafts-Manufacture -store & show-room-
〒530-0005 大阪府大阪市北区中之島5-3-67 中之島バンクスWEST
Call Us 06-4256-8588 - TWCM EMA OSAKA
- The Warmthcrafts-Manufacture -store & care repair-
〒530-0001 大阪府大阪市北区梅田1丁目12-6 E-ma 地下1階
Call Us 06-6455-2020 - TWCM TOKYO
- 〒100-8488 東京都千代田区有楽町2丁目5番1号 阪急メンズ東京 地下1階
Call Us 03-6252-1381 - TWCM KYOTO
- 〒600-8511 京都府京都市下京区四条通り高倉西入立売西町79 大丸京都店5階
Call Us 075-288-7699 - TWCM MEN’S-OSAKA
- 〒530-8350 大阪府大阪市北区角田町8番7号 阪急メンズ大阪1階
Call Us 06-6361-1381 - TWCM HANKYU-UMEDA
- 〒530-8350 大阪市北区角田町8番7号 阪急うめだ本店8階
Call Us 06-6313-9679 - TWCM OSAKA-SOUTH
- 〒545-8545 大阪府大阪市阿倍野区阿倍野筋1-1-43 あべのハルカス近鉄本店タワー館7階
Call Us 06-6624-1111 - TWCM HAKATA
- 〒812-0012 福岡県福岡市博多区博多駅中央街1番1号 博多阪急6階
Call Us 092-419-5685 - TWCM MENS SHINJUKU
- 〒160-8011東京都新宿区新宿3-14-1伊勢丹新宿店メンズ館1階
Call Us 03-3352-1111 - TWCM FUTAGOTAMAGAWA
- 〒158-0094東京都世田谷区玉川3-11-7
T’s SQUARE B1F麻布テーラーSQUARE二子玉川店内
Call Us 03-3700-8175 - TWCM TENJIN
- 〒810-0041福岡県福岡市中央区大名1-1-38
Call Us 092-721-1148